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This documentation will cover all the steps needed to get you ready with the starter projects. Each section in the sidebar corresponds to a Youtube video. We will also additionally provide links to documentation, extra resouces, or code snippets whenever needed.

What is this application

LinkedIn is a very beautiful application with tons of features. And there is a lot to learn from creating a clone. Together we will discover and learn new technologies, frameworks, and work with servers, databases, ML algorithms, Cloud Services, APIs, and more.

What can you expect?

I always try to keep things as easy and simple as possible, if you are someone who has never heard of Flutter you might find it a little hard to follow along. However, I encourage you to try, becuase hey who knows, this might spark your interest in the framework!

What will we cover?

We will cover all of the interesting features of LinkedIn such as - Chat (with Smart replies, meetings, and other features), User connections, User feed, User posts (including some ML features), Notifications, etc.

What will we leave out?

It is important to understand that LinkedIn is a very huge application and has taken years to build. What we will make will be a simpler clone with most of the basic features. There is a lot more to it such as analytics, UX research, extra/hidden features, advanced system design, etc. Additionally, you can always go ahead and implement more features!

Getting Started

Get started by cloning the repository and following the steps in the corresponding tutorial. Each tutorial will have a basic setup, which may or may not be dependent on the setting up for previous tutorials.

What you'll need

  • A laptop with atleast 8 GB of RAM for a smooth android and web development process.

  • Flutter preferably v2 or above.

    • Make sure that you have installed android studio (and/or XCode) and follow all instructions for your respective OS.

    • To ensure that everything is working fine, run the command:

      flutter doctor

If you run into issues

It's common to run into issues while following along. It might an error in your code, or a misuderstanding or some random issue. Don't worry and feel free to reach out to me via Youtube comment section (if you have a minor issue or question) or using GitHub discussions (if you need to put your stack trace or need to discuss something bigger).

Anything unclear or buggy in this tutorial? Please report it!